Wallpapers can keep your desktop looking fresh and exciting. There are all kinds of new and interesting wallpapers available for download on the Internet. They come in various resolutions - namely 1280 x 800, 1440 x 900, 1680 x 1050, 1920 x 1200, and 2560 x 1600. The wallpaper you choose depends on your monitor resolution settings.
If you are unsure, you can always go to your desktop and check. Right click, select "Properties", then go to "Settings". Once you have the right setting, simply choose the appropriate resolution for download. You don't have to save the wallpaper image file to your hard drive. To set a picture as a wallpaper, simply right click on it, and then choose "Set as Desktop Background".
Popular websites like Zeusbox offers high quality wallpapers for download, and the best part is, you can download to your heart's content without having to pay a single cent. You don't even need to register at the website to download free wallpapers. The site, however, offers a registration component. If you would like to contribute high quality wallpapers to share with the rest of the community, you will need to sign up for an account. Logging in is mandatory if you want to submit wallpapers.
There are all kinds of images you can download as a wallpaper, and they are well sorted in different categories. You can download 3D graphics, abstract art, aircrafts, animals, architecture, nature, and even celebrity pics.
Celebrity wallpapers are perhaps the most popular among all the categories. Fans like to download images of their favorite artist and post them as wallpapers on their desktop. That way, every time they switch on their computer, their favorite face is there to greet them. That cheers them up.
Another popular category is cartoon characters. Like celebrities, there are many popular personalities to choose from. Fans download these images because they find the characters adorable and maybe even funny. So they post them as funny wallpapers to make their days brighter.
Then there are people with specific interests such as cars or aircrafts. Not everybody is into cars and planes. But for those who love these automobiles, they simply can't keep their minds off these items! For instance, a car lover may be in love with a 5 Series BMW. But he or she does not have the money to buy such a luxurious car. However, it doesn't cost a single cent to download a picture of this high profile car, and post it as a wallpaper.
Wallpapers make life brighter, more interesting, and bring the computer closer to its owner. They are colorful, and makes the machine appear more human. It is a way of personalizing the computer system. Change you wallpapers as often as you like. Remember to bookmark sites like Zeusbox to get a new and quality wallpapers!
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